How will I get an eWIC card?
At your first WIC appointment the clinic staff will give you your eWIC card, load benefits, and explain how to set up and use your eWIC card.
Will I get a new eWIC card every month?
The Colorado eWIC card is like a debit card; you get it once and keep using it. New benefits will be added to your WIC account at future WIC appointments.
Will I need a PIN, and if so, how do I set it up?
Yes, you will need a PIN in order to shop for WIC foods. Staff at the WIC clinic will explain the process and help you set up your PIN. You’ll be able to set up your PIN on-line at ebtedge.com, or by calling the customer service line at 1-844-234-4950.
How will I know what foods are being loaded on my eWIC card?
At the clinic you will be given a list of all the food benefits for your family – and the dates the benefits are valid. Once you start using your benefits (shopping at the store) the remaining balance will be listed on the store receipt.
You can also download the free WICShopper App, register your card, and see your list of food benefits from the app.
How can I get the WICShopper App
- Install WICShopper from the app store
- Select Colorado as your WIC agency
- Register your card using the 16 digit number on the front of your WIC card
Will unused benefits from one month roll over to the next month?
No. WIC benefits expire at midnight on the last day of the month, and cannot be rolled over to the next month.
Do I need to keep WIC foods separate at the store checkout ?
In some stores you might not need to separate your WIC foods from other foods you are purchasing, but it’s probably best and easiest to just get in the habit of separating your WIC foods. That way you can be sure that your WIC foods scanned correctly and were correctly paid for with your eWIC benefits.
How will I know what foods are left on my eWIC card after I buy some WIC food items?
The store receipt will list the remaining foods available to you for that month, so it’s a good idea to always keep your last store receipt. You can also check your food balance from the “My Benefits” option in the WICShopper app, or call the customer service line (1-844-234-4950) or check your balance on the eWIC web portal at ebtedge.com.
With eWIC will I have to use the full dollar amount of the fruits and vegetables cash value benefit at the same time, or will I be able to use some at one shopping trip and the rest later?
You may redeem your cash value benefit (CVB) over multiple purchases. For example, for an $8 CVB, you could purchase $2.25 at one visit and still have $5.75 left to spend on another visit before the last day to use. Additionally, if you spend $10 and your benefit was for $8.00, you can pay the extra $2.00 using another tender such as cash, credit, debit or SNAP. Also, CVB’s for family members are combined, so if you have two children on WIC, your CVB is $16.00; if you are pregnant and also have a child on WIC, your CV is $19.
Can I use my Colorado eWIC card in grocery store self-checkout lanes?
You can use the self-checkout at King Soopers, City Market and most Walmart stores in Colorado to buy WIC foods. At other stores, you need to use a checkout lane with a cashier.
What can I do if I misplace or lose my eWIC card?
Call the WIC clinic and explain that your card was lost. The clinic will deactivate your lost card and schedule you for an appointment to issue you a new card. Before contacting the clinic you can also call the automated customer service line (1-844-234-4950) and select a new PIN so if your card is found, no one else can use it.
What can I do if I forgot my PIN number?
If you forget your PIN you can call the automated customer service line at 1-844-234-4950 and select a new PIN. If you cannot remember your PIN it’s best to call and change it because your eWIC account will lock until midnight if the wrong PIN is entered four times.