wichealth.org (for staff)

WIC's online nutrition education system

wichealth.org is a website that offers a variety of health and nutrition lessons in English and Spanish. In addition, Health eKitchen offers clients recipes.

About wichealth.org

wichealth is a form of nutrition education that clinics may offer to WIC participants as an Education Choice option for follow-up visits. Clients who use this service should have their Family ID, name of your local agency and clinic to sign up. This information can be written on the wichealth flyer. 

wichealth Implementation and Promotional Tools

Setting up a wichealth LA/staff account

Check with your clinic to verify if you should set up a staff account or if one central clinic account is used. 

  • To set up a staff account:
  • To set up a clinic central account:

Lessons on wichealth.org.